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Trying to figure out your health and drug coverage options is confusing. At Senior Neighbors we’re here to help you navigate the process with our Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program. Our trained counselors can research, advocate and assist with enrollment into health and drug insurance. This free and non-biased insurance counseling is individualized to your specific situation.


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Original Medicare Parts A & B, Medicare Supplemental Plans (Medigap), Medicare Advantage (Part C) Plans, and Prescription Drug (Part D) Plans. There are also assistance programs available to beneficiaries who are struggling with their Medicare costs and we can screen you for these programs to determine if you are eligible.

Insurance counseling is also available for the following groups: Michigan Public School Retirees, Federal Government Retirees, and Veterans.

Service description

If you are new to Medicare, our insurance counselors will provide information on the various options in Medicare and assist with applying for Original Medicare if necessary. They will take time to answer your questions, and make sure you are equipped to make an informed decision on your health care.
If you are already a Medicare beneficiary, a meeting with an insurance counselor will include a conversation about what is working well for you with your current plan, any challenges you may be experiencing with it, and a review of how your plan compares with other available options. After you select a plan, the counselor will also make sure you are aware of how to maximize the benefits of that plan, what your expected costs for the year will include, and will always be available for any follow-up questions you may have. Our counselors can also assist with enrolling you in a new plan if that is the decision you made.
For the current Annual Open Enrollment period, individual counseling appointments will be available over the phone and in the Senior Neighbors office.

open enrollment

Open Enrollment Presentations are a great opportunity to hear more about your options for the coming year, including changes to Medicare for next year. Presentations will be available at our Senior Centers, and in select living communities around Kent County. For more information on where you can attend a presentation reach out to your Senior Center Coordinator or contact the Medicare Team using the information below.


To Learn More

Phone (616) 233-0282 Email: mmapteam@seniorneighbors.org